Our Philosophy

Our philosophy:

 To create a holistic environment, which encompasses progressive rehabilitation methods and guidance for children in the pursuit of happiness, wellbeing and independence. Creating fun and engaging experiences throughout each child’s journey, which in turn stimulates young minds and educates children physically and emotionally toward achieving their true potential.

Our aim:

 To provide a family friendly, child-focused, approach for strength development and personal wellbeing for life.

Our Objectives:

 To identify key areas for physical development, maximising each child’s potential.

 To maximise strengths and minimise weaknesses by the identification of muscle asymmetries, limitations in physical capacity and development in fundamental movement skills.

 To provide children with the opportunity to learn and master independent skills which will contribute to living life to the maximum. Allowing a child to enjoy their full potential and aspiring to achieve both physically and cognitively in-line with their peers.

 To provide a fun, friendly environment that will allow a child to prosper.

SDR Rehab UK are goal orientated, process led, and outcome focused, rigorously evaluating a child’s progress at every stage, to deliver the highest level of support and understanding that movement education is for life.

“Life Changing Training”